get involved


We Value Your Support

Parents and guardians contribute their time and talent in a number of ways. While parents/guardians are not asked to volunteer as teachers in the classrooms, there are many in-school opportunities where parent involvement is welcome and greatly valued. Parents/Guardians can volunteer as field trip chaperones, Class Connectors, Parent Guardian Association event volunteers, and other special celebrations.

Our Parent Guardian Association

Parents and Guardians share their skills, interests and resources while participating in activities organized by the Parent Guardian Association. Discover how you can get involved.


UCDS families have a long history of creating meaningful relationships with the greater community. To ensure our students become stewards of the community, the UCDS Parent Guardian Association established UCDServes, a community outreach program that partners with local non-profit organizations. The focus of UCDServes is to provide service opportunities for families through donations of time and energy, rather than fundraising.

To serve on the UCDServes Committee or sign up to volunteer, please contact our 2023-2024 PGA UCDServes Coordinators, Elspeth Payton, Sarah Ringold, and Anu Vijay, at